wedding coordinator

 we call it Bridal support

We have seen lots of common issues in so many weddings . The bride is alone or has a family or friend , that has no experience , to handle common wedding day issues.

issues like a certain person on the way , late

2. wardrobe malfunction

3. monthly cycle


5. confusion what to do next

6. are all the vendors ready

7. are the locations ready

8. Did you forget a certain item

9. What happens next ?

10. Are we on schedule ?

11. do you need any type of meds ?

There are more issues that we have seen over 10 yrs of shooting weddings

and we have a solution

bridal support

christina the rescue !

she has worked with so many brides over the years as a photographer and a bridal support , and has helped countless brides enjoy one of the most important days of thier lives .

super freindly and ready to help you enjoy your specail day
