Hi , my name is Daryl Ivan Gonzalez , fine art photographer and educator for over 10 years . Married 25 years to my beautiful wife Christina Gonzalez .And we have 3 amazing kids . An we love to make amazing photos. I am currently based in Edinburg Texas . I used to be a diesel technician for around 11 years, and found my passion for photography during my time served at my job . It was an everyday , every minute pursuit to become an amazing artist . It turned out to be one amazing journey so far . I am also a photography instructor and I love teaching the world of photography . I have workshops from time to time , and currently looking to expand my work to areas all around the world . Every photo session and event is an adventure to me , and I can't wait to see what we can create together . If I can describe my style of work , it has got to be one word . Emotion.  That very feeling is what drives me to create these images and what keeps me pursuing it even more . I'm not a huge fan of traditional , stand there and say cheese kinda stuff , instead take off your shoes , let your hair down , and run with the wind . It's all about the moments when our little ones give us hugs and kisses , and when you see your wife walking down the aisle moments , down to spending time with Grandpa .

Emotion , Drama, Happiness

Lets get out there and  capture it !!  

I love you Christina Marie Gonzalez

never one , without the other